Showing posts with label Grow organic-avoid pest and diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grow organic-avoid pest and diseases. Show all posts

Grow organic-avoid pest and diseases

Grow organic food isn't allways an easy task. You must have experince and petience. Start your  garden with these advices in mind:
  • Start by growing strong, healthy plants that will have the ability to resist attacks from pests and diseases. That means "organic growing". 
  • Always plant into fertile soil and make sure the plants never go short of water and food. 
green organic garden food image
grow organic food
  • Rely as much as you can on physical methods of pest and disease prevention and control and constant vigilance and you cut down the need for chemicals. 
  • Nature will do the rest for you. Nature has worked out the most complex balance of power. 
  • Build up as diverse a collection of plants as you can, including as many native flowers, trees, and shrubs as possible, especially those that grow in your own locality and provide a small area of water. 
  • By doing this you will build up a varied colony of useful insects and birds and thus keep problems to a minimum.