Green farm and water

http://organicfoodmatters.blogspot.comA green farm must be aware of the resources used. The most important of them is the water. Every living thing needs water. Without water life cannot exist. That’s important for a green farm in order to grow quality organic food. Plants need water so that the vital process of photosynthesis, respiration and absorption of nutrients can occur. Farms need water to grow their plans. 
Home green farms may have flowers, vegetables or fruits. Each of them is growing organically. Being an organic gardener means being aware of the resources used in the garden and the wider implications of their use. So, organic green garden includes water. Water conservation, storage and recycling are essential organic gardening strategies. 

Organic methods of soil care and management, careful plant choice, correct timing and appropriate delivery of water help to minimize use of this valuable resource and avoid problems of drought and of overwatering in a green farm. 

Storage of water affects plants in a number of ways, depending on the type of plant and the extent of the storage. Even before plants show obvious signs of drought stress, their growth and performance may be reduced. Not only too little, but also too much water presents plants with problems. A green farm must have taken care all of these parameters, in order to have a viable organic growth.

Home page: Grow organic garden-eat your biological food

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